About Vonni
Drawn to animals for their spirit, devotion, and unconditional love, I am thankful for each of the furry beings who have blessed my life.
They are my greatest and most precious teachers…
- Small Animal Massage Practitioner (SAMP)
- Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT – MA00023882)
- Certified Advanced Pain Management Therapist (APMT)
- CranioSacral Therapist
- Reiki Practitioner Levels 1 & 2
My Life-Changing Dog
It all started with C.J. – A special soul who’s purpose on this earth was to guide my life in a completely different direction and open my heart to a place that had never been touched before.
Adopted from a shelter at about five years old, our wonderful Border Collie/Sheltie-mix turned our lives upside-down. No longer would we be allowed a couch-potato existence. We were to be kept busy going to the park, playing tug-o-war, going on walks, planning dog-friendly adventures, etc.
Sadly this would not last forever…
When C.J. was about eleven, he started showing signs of severe Osteoarthritis. He was slowing down due to the extreme pain in his joints and had less interest in playing games or going on walks. He moved slowly and would frequently limp.
Passing through Redmond one afternoon, I noticed a sign for the Northwest School of Animal Massage (NWSAM). Perhaps massage could be a wonderful way to aid C.J.’s comfort as he aged, and increase our bond.
That was the beginning of my journey…
During the course of my training as a Small Animal Massage Practitioner (SAMP), I fell in love with the idea of becoming a professional in the field. While attending the Port Townsend School of Massage to become a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) (for humans), C.J.’s health began to decline rapidly. Massage was no longer giving him as much relief from his pain, and his liver enzymes began to elevate as a result of his daily pain meds. There had to be another way to help him.
After much research…
I came across warm water therapy for canines. My first day in the water with C.J. convinced me that this was what I was meant to do. The look of ultimate relaxation and contentment in his eyes told me that he was experiencing relief from the severe pain in his joints. It was a look that simply said “Ahhhh…”. (And this was coming from a dog who would never go in the water past his ankles!)
Looking back over our many years together, my favorite moments spent with C.J. were in the water. He was my greatest teacher and my inspiration for Doggone Day Spaw. This company is his legacy, and I am honored to continue helping others in his memory.
He was my life-changing dog. Thanks to C.J., there is a special place in my heart for geriatric canines and those with mobility issues. It is my personal goal to improve and help maintain a rich quality of life for each animal entrusted to my care.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
~ Mahatma Ghandi